
The Furry Critter Network

Tinolen Bracke Breed Description

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Breed Organization

Federation Cynologique International (FCI)

Native Country

Other Names
Tyrolean Hound, Austrian Brachet, Tiroler Bracke

Life Expectancy
Approximately 12-14 years

Litter Size
No litter information available.

Breed Group

General Description

As with dogs that come from hardworking scent hound breeds, the Tyrolean hound was bred for their hunting ability. The breed is known for their excellent ability in being able to maneuver through mountainous or heavily wooded areas, and for their amazing scenting skills. This is all made possible with the size of the Tyrolean Hound. It tends to be a medium to large dog, measuring in at about 18.5 to 24 inches tall, and weighing about 35 to 60 pounds for males. Females tend to be smaller physically, only growing to be about 16.5 to 19 inches tall, however, both have a nice flowing outline and tend to be fairly muscular. The Tyrolean Hound, whether male or female, also has a thick double coat, with a coarse undercoat, as opposed to fine. They also tend to have the 3 main colors of red, black, and tan, with patches of white mixed in between.

Breed Standard

Head: Wide. Broad, slightly domed skull. Pronounced stop. Straight muzzle. Short lips.
Ears: Set on high, wide, rounded at the tips.
Eyes: Round, dark brown.
Body: Slightly longer than it is tall. Well-knit neck without dewlap. Pronounced withers. Well-domed, moderately wide, well let-down chest. Slight tuck-up. Broad, long, moderately sloping croup. Firm, straight back.
Tail: Set on high, long. Carried high in action. A brush tail with dense hair is prized.
Hair: Fairly thick, lying close to the body. Pronounced culottes on the thighs. Undercoat.
Coat: Fawn or black and tan, tricolor. Fawn (red to yellowish-red) or black and tan (black mantle) varieties have well-defined reddish-tan markings on the legs, chest, abdomen, and head. Both varieties may have white markings (collar, chest, legs, and feet).
Size: Dog: 44 to 50 cm. (17-20 in).Bitch: 42 to 48 cm. (16.5-19 in).
Weight: Approx. 20 kg (44 lb).


The Tyrolean Hound, also known as the Tyroler Bracke, is a breed of scent hound originally developed in the 1800s from the Bracke hounds and the Celtic hounds. It was first bred in Tyrol as a dog adapted to hunting in the snow. Emperor Maximilian I used this hound for hunting hare and fox and for tracking wounded game. Breeding began in 1860, and then in 1896 the first standard of breeding was published. Followed shortly thereafter, the Tyrolean Hound was recognized as their own breed in 1908. It was not until 2006, that the Tyrolean Hound was recognized by the United Kennel Club.


This versatile scenthound hunts hare and fox and is used as a bloodhound. He is well-suited to hunting in the forest or the mountains. He has a very keen nose, a good voice, and an even temper. He is an affectionate companion.

The Tyrolean Hound needs space and exercise.


Hunting Dog.


Being a hunting breed, the dog has the tendency to get extremely muddy and dirty after it has been on a hunting trip. The dog may also pick up thorns and external parasites. It is necessary to check and clean and even bathe the dog after it has been hunted. Dogs that are kept as a house companion do not need frequent bathing. Grooming would be as easy as brushing the dog’s coat once a week.

Known issues to look for:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Hunting injuries
  • Ear infections

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