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East Siberian Laika Breed Description

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Breed Organization

United Kennel Club (UKC)

Native Country

Other Names
ESL, Vostotchno Sibirskaya Laika

Life Expectancy
Approximately 10-12 Years

Litter Size
No Litter Information Available

Breed Group
FCI-Nordic Hunting Dogs

General Description

The East Siberian Laika is a Russian breed of dog of spitz type, a hunting dog originating in parts of Siberia east of the Yenisei River. It is a beautiful breed. The compact body as well as the white, grey, black, red and brown coat color enhances the wolfish appearance of the dog. This breed is actually presumed to have a close kinship to the primitive dogs. Similar to a wolf, a female East Siberian Laika comes in estrus only once a year.

This breed was primarily developed for hunters. The breed is acclaimed as one of the best hunting dogs for small and large game. This breed though is the quietest and the most well tempered dog among the four Russian Laikas. Thus the breed is kept by non-hunters being loyal companions and dependable watchdogs.

Breed Standard

Head: Not heavy. Skull is the shape of an isosceles triangle. Stop not pronounced. Clean muzzle. Tight lips.
Ears: Triangular, carried erect. Mobile. Pointed tips.
Eyes: Not large. Oval. Set obliquely in the skull. Dark color.
Body: Strong. Pronounced withers. Full chest is well let down. Broad, slightly sloped croup. Belly is tucked up. Short, slightly sloped loin. Solid, muscular back.
Tail: Carried in a sickle or curled over the back or the back of the thighs.
Hair: Long, coarse, dense, straight. Male has a mane and collarette. Dense, supple undercoat.
Coat: Pepper and salt, white, gray, black, shades of red or brown; spotted or mottled.
Size: Dog: 55 to 63 cm (22-25 in) ; Bitch: 53 to 61 cm (21-24 in).
Weight: 20 to 30 kg (44-66 lb).


The Eastern Siberian Laika originated in the large forests in the east. It is the result of crosses of various Laikas. This variety is used for hunting large northern game. This breed is famous because a Laika became the "first living ambassador from Earth" when he was hurtled into space aboard Sputnik II on November 3, 1957.


The dog is not aggressive to humans but it makes a good watchdog as it is always alert and it has an innate distrust of strangers. Highly territorial, this breed would need obedience training and socialization to curb the tendency to be aggressive and dominant to other dogs. Smaller pets would be very tempting to this breed because of its high prey drive.

This dog is not suited for life as a house dog. He needs space and considerable exercise.


The East Siberian Laika is a natural hunting dog used for a wide variety of small and large game, ranging from squirrels, marten, sable, and grouse to moose, bear, wild boar and mountain lions. They can also be used as sled dogs, and guard dogs.


This is a very hearty breed.

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