
The Furry Critter Network

Deutscher Wachtelhund Breed Description

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Breed Organization

United Kennel Club (UKC)

Native Country

Other Names
German Spaniel, Wachtelhund, German Quail Dog

Life Expectancy
Approximately 12-14 Years

Litter Size
Average 5 Puppies

Breed Group

General Description

The German Spaniel is a strong boned, muscular, medium sized gundog with long thick wavy hair. It is solidly-built which allows it to retrieve heavy game such as hares and foxes. The ears are fairly long and should reach from half way to the nose, to the tip of the nose. Body length, from the nose to the base of the tail is twice the length of the dogs height. The coat is short and fine on the head, and of long on the body, where it is strong, thick, wavy or curly, with enough undercoat to provide protection. It has a well feathered coat which is usually either brown or brown roan. Although brown, it can have white markings chest and/or legs, and may have white ticking anywhere on its body. Other colors that the coat can come in include red and white, and solid red. Plain black coats do not occur in the breed.

Breed Standard

Head: Chiseled. Skull flat, not too broad. Very slight stop. Curved nosebridge. Muzzle equal in length to the skull. Thin lips. Large, brown nose.
Ears: Set on high, flat, not curled, not too long or thick, hanging just behind the eyes. Covered with long, often curly hair.
Eyes: Medium-sized, almond-shaped, slanting, preferably dark brown.
Body: Long. Solid neck without dewlap. High, long withers. Chest deep, well let-down. Short, broad, deep loin. Moderate tuck-up. Very short, solid back Flat, long croup.
Tail: Set on high, carried straight or hanging down, wagged energetically in the presence of game. Docked by one-third its length. Well-feathered.
Hair: Long, tough, dense, wavy. Slightly curly (like Astrakhan lamb's wool) or flat. Often curly on the neck, ears, and croup. Short on the head. Backs of the legs well-feathered.
Coat: Solid dark brown with white spots on the chest and toes or with tan markings (red to yellow) above the eyes and on the muzzle, legs, and around the anus. Whole-colored in shades of fox red or fawn red.
- Roan-brown: roan background (white and brown hairs closely mixed), often with a brown head and brown blotches or a brown mantle covering the entire body. Spotted brown and white (with a white background), harlequin (white background with brown spots and flecks and brown blotches), or tricolor (roan, spotted, or harlequin with tan markings as in the solid-colored variety).
Size: Dog: 48 to 54 cm (19-21.3 in). Bitch: 45 to 51 cm (17.5-20 in).


Known in German as the Deutscher Wachtelhund, meaning "quail dog" because of his favorite game, the German Spaniel was developed around 1890 in Germany by the breeder F. Roberth. Several breeds were used in creating this spaniel, particularly an old German breed called the St ber and various longhaired water dogs. The German Spaniel is not well-known outside his native land.


Tough and courageous, the German Spaniel can work on all kinds of terrain, mainly woods and swampland. This active tracker and flusher uses his voice on the trail and hunts all small game but also pests (fox) and large game. He is a good retriever as well as a bloodhound able to track wounded game. He is affectionate and makes a good pet. He needs firm training.

He needs space and exercise, as well as daily brushing and regular attention to the ears.


Hunting Dog, Companion Dog.


Providing the puppy is of good stock, the breed is very hearty.

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The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA®) was the first humane society to be established in North America and is, today, one of the largest in the world.

Our organization was founded on the belief that animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans and must be protected under the law. Headquartered in New York City, the ASPCA maintains a strong local presence, and with programs that extend our anti-cruelty mission across the country, we are recognized as a national animal welfare organization. We are a privately funded 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, and are proud to boast more than 2 million supporters across the country.

The ASPCA’s mission, as stated by founder Henry Bergh in 1866, is “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.”

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If you can’t find the pet you’re looking for on Petfinder, don’t give up. Some shelters maintain waiting lists for specific breeds, so don’t be afraid to ask! There are also breed-specific rescues for just about every breed, and most of them post their pets on Petfinder. (Petfinder can even e-mail you when a pet that fits your criteria is posted — just click “Save this Search” at the top of your search results page.)

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Jeff Gold, Founder, Rescue Me! Animal Rescue Network

Jeff Gold lives in Watkinsville, Georgia on the same property as Rescue Me's Animal Rehabilitation Center, with 18 rescue animals. Shown with him in the photo to the left are Maggie, Izzie and Cortez. In 2003, after learning there was nobody doing boxer rescue work in Georgia, Gold founded Boxertown, an organization which helped find homes for over 500 boxers during its first two years. Based upon this success, Gold came up with the vision for Rescue Me! ― a network which helps all breeds of dogs, cats and other animals find good homes, anywhere in the world. is also a free service of Rescue Me! and provides the world's largest and most up-to-date directory of animal rescue organizations for all breeds of dogs, cats and other animals, including a comprehensive directory of wildlife rehabilitators in over 150 countries.
