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Czesky Terrier Breed Description

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Breed Organization

American Cesky Terrier Fanciers Association

Native Country
Czech Republic

Other Names
Bohemian Terrier, Cesky Terrier

Life Expectancy
Approximately 12-15 Years

Litter Size
Average 2-6 Puppies

Breed Group

General Description

The Cesky Terrier is a well-muscled, short legged, well-pigmented, hunting terrier of a rectangular format. The Cesky has natural drop ears, a natural tail, and sports a long, silky with slight texture coat in shades of gray from charcoal to platinum (black pigmented) or rarely brown (liver pigmented). The Cesky is longer than it is tall and has a topline that rises slightly to the rear.

Breed Standard

Head: Long. Large nose. Thick beard. Powerful jaws.
Ears: Folded above the level of the head and hanging against the cheeks.
Eyes: Light or dark chestnut color. Bushy eyebrows.
Body: Long and compact. Very muscular hindquarters. Back slightly arched.
Tail: Approx. 20 cm (8 in) long, carried straight out in line with the back when in action.
Hair: Silky, abundant.
Coat: Gray-blue or light coffee. Puppies are born black and attain their final color around two years of age.
Size: 27 to 35 cm (10,5-14 in).
Weight: 6 to 9 kg (13-20 lb).


The Cesky Terrier was created by a Czech breeder, František Horak, in 1948, as a cross between a Sealyham Terrier and a Scottish Terrier, to create a terrier suitable for hunting in the forests of Bohemia. Although not a trained scientist, Horak worked for many years as a research assistant at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and used knowledge gained there in his dog breeding. Czechoslovakia was ruled by a communist regime at the time; when Horak's dogs became more popular around the world, he began to receive a large volume of mail from outside the country, which earned him the attention of the secret police. Horak died in 1997.

The Cesky Terrier was recognized for international competition by the Federation Cynologique Internationale in 1963 as breed number 246 in Group 3, Terriers. The breed is now recognized by all of the major kennel clubs in the English-speaking world. The Cesky Terrier is one of the six most rare dog breeds worldwide.

The breed was first imported into the USA in the 1980s by a group of enthusiasts. They formed the Cesky Terrier Club of America in January 1988. As interest grew, the breed became eligible to join the American Kennel Club (AKC) Foundation Stock Service Program from January 1, 2004 allowing it to compete in AKC Earthdog tests. At this stage the American Cesky Terrier Fanciers Association was formed and recognised by the AKC. It is the club accepted as the parent club by the AKC. However, the Cesky Terrier Club of America remains active in promoting the breed in the USA. From mid-2011, the Cesky Terrier was able to compete in the terrier group in America as it was accepted for entry in the AKC Stud Book.

The breed first arrived in the UK in 1989 and had to compete from the imported register until January 1, 2000 when it gained rare breed status from the Kennel Club. It has since competed successfully in show competition in the UK.


The Cesky Terrier is patient, playful, sporty yet calm. A sweet and joyful dog that is good with children, it is brave, loyal, obedient and courageous. Intelligent, very trainable and easy to handle, it is important to socialize them while they are puppies, letting them meet with various people and different animals in positive circumstances to experience a variety of situations. This will help them be well adjusted so they can grow up to be happy adults. They love people, especially children and are fairly friendly with strangers, but like most terriers, if you are not 100% pack leader, they can be feisty, stubborn and fearless. This sociable dog gets along well with other dogs and with other household animals. The Cesky travels well. It is an excellent companion dog that is capable of playing with children, yet at the same time being an attentive and threatening house guard.

The Czesky Terrier requires considerable exercise. Regular brushing is required. This breed should be professionally groomed every two to three months.


Guard Dog, Hunting Dog, Pet.


Generally healthy. Some are prone to Scottie Cramp Syndrome, sometimes called Wobbly Scottie, which causes the dog to walk in an awkward movement.

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