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Clumbers Breed Description

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Breed Organization

The Clumber Spaniel Club of America

Native Country
Great Britain

Other Names
Clumber Spaniel

Life Expectancy
Approximately 10-12 Years

Litter Size
Average 2-8 Puppies

Breed Group

General Description

The Clumber Spaniel is the largest of the spaniels, and is long and heavy-bodied. It is similar in shape to the smaller Sussex Spaniel. The Clumber has a heavy bone structure, has a massive 'melting' head with a mournful and sleepy expression, a square nose and muzzle, and large vine-leaf shaped ears. Freckles on the muzzle and front legs are common. Its coat is dense, weather-resistant, straight, and flat with feathering around the ears, belly and legs. Clumber Spaniel are predominantly white in color with lemon, brown, or orange markings around the eyes, and at the base of the tail.

Breed Standard

Head: Angular, massive. Broad skull. Pronounced occipital peak. Heavy brow bones. Strongly pronounced stop. Heavy, angular muzzle. Strong jaws.
Ears: Large, shaped like grape leaves, hanging slightly forward. Feathering.
Eyes: Dark amber. Conjunctiva slightly visible.
Body: Massive, long, close to the ground. Thick, powerful neck. Chest well let-down. Well-sprung ribs. Flanks well let-down. Very powerful hindquarters. Muscular loin. Straight, long, broad back.
Tail: Set on low, carried level with the topline. Well-feathered.
Hair: Thick, dense, silky, and straight. Feathering on the legs and chest.
Coat: White with lemon markings, orange is allowed. Light markings on the head and flecks on the muzzle.
Size: Dog: approx. 48 cm. (19 in).Bitch: approx. 46 cm. (18 in).
Weight: Ideal: dog: 34 kg. (75 lb).Bitch: 29.5 kg. (65 lb).


The Clumber Spaniel, the largest of the spaniels, is thought to be of French origin. In the eighteenth century, the Duke of Noailles apparently gave a pair of these dogs to the Duke of Newcastle, who lived in the Clumber Park castle near Nottingham. Uncommon in England, the breed is quite rare in France.

Until the mid 19th century the breeding of the Clumber Spaniel was mostly restricted to the nobility. During World War I breeding was stopped entirely causing their numbers to decrease to a record low. In 1925, King George V re-developed a line of Clumber Spaniel in the Royal Kennel and were used in the fields in the Sandringham Estate.


Their temperament is described as gentle, loyal and affectionate, but dignified and aloof with strangers. They can appear to be a sedate breed and enjoy curling up on the couch, eating and sleeping.

Clumber Spaniels shed at a medium pace and require to be brushed and groomed frequently. Clumbers tend to drool because of their very droopy flews. Clumbers have minds of their own. Puppies are especially curious and playful. The breed has a trophy mentality and the dog has an incessant need to carry something most of the time; unfortunately this can lead to health issues as they may ingest the items. Clumber Spaniels have the tendency to be more reserved with other dogs, until they have warmed up to them.

The breed has been used to hunt pheasant and partridge, in both small packs and alone. It is well-suited for work in upland hunting in dense cover, and although the Clumber is rather slow in the field compared to other spaniels, it is a quiet worker with a fine nose and good stamina. The broad muzzle of the breed allows it to retrieve a variety of game. Clumber Spaniels can be very content indoors or out, but mostly wherever their owner is, is where they seem most pleased. Clumber Spaniels do not have a frequency to bark and are more considered companions in the home rather than a watch dog.

Preferably, he should live in the country. He needs space and exercise, as well as frequent brushing and regular attention to the ears.


Hunting Dog, Companion Dog.


Because Clumber Spaniels are large boned and fast growing, they can suffer from temporary lameness from between six to twelve months of age, with this lameness subsiding when bone growth is complete. Another common condition that the breed suffers from are impacted anal sacs and the dog may require them to be emptied by a veterinarian. The final common condition that the breed has is heat sensitivity, if Clumber Spaniels are left without shade, they can become uncomfortably hot and dehydrated.

In addition, Clumber Spaniel often have difficulties conceiving and giving birth, and may require caesarian sections. Some dogs may suffer from sensitivity to anaesthesia. The most common severe health conditions in the Clumber Spaniel are entropion/ectropion eye conditions, spinal disc herniation and hip dysplasia.

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